Z 7

180 Reviews

Product 34300



The perfectionist, for those seeking the ultimate in image quality. It combines the advantages of a lightweight mirrorless design, a revolutionary new full-frame lens mount and matched lenses, a Nikon designed 45.7MP image sensor and seamless integration with Nikon’s DSLR system—including the NIKKOR lenses you love. This is a camera unlike any before it. And yet, it’s unmistakably a Nikon.
Open the box and get ready to take stunning photos and videos with the 45.7MP Z7 and NIKKOR Z 24-70mm f/4 S zoom lens. With a constant f/4 maximum aperture that's designed to be shot wide-open and smooth, quiet focusing, this lens is ideal for capturing wide-angle views one moment, close-ups the next and everything in between.
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5 / 5

Based on 180 Reviews

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  • 4

    Mostly love the camera.

    Posted by GregsBigBoyZ7 on June 15, 2019

    This is a great camera and I do mostly love it. There is a learning curve with it but getting better at really understanding this camera. Senor dust probably from lens changes is my main complaint. Just learn how to shut the shutter curtain to help prevent dust getting on the senor when I change the lens 5 stars after I learn more about things like that. New technology requires new troubleshooting and I´m not a professional photographer either.

  • 5

    Excellent first mirrorless for Nikon

    Posted by MachSchnell on June 13, 2019

    I spent months trying to decide on a replacement for my aging but still excellent D800e. When a buyer for that camera came a long, I had to make a decision. I´ve wanted a D850 since it was announced. But after much thought and consideration I decided on a Z7 instead. No regrets whatsoever. I am mostly a landscape and macro shooter. For me, this camera is a dream. To be able to review the image in the EVF immediately is a godsend in bright sunny conditions (when you can´t really see the big LCD). Sure, the EVF doesn´t handle super contrasty scenes like an optical finder. But there are so many other advantages of the EVF: focus peaking, live histogram, gyro-level, pretty much everything viewable on the rear LCD. IBIS is fantastic! Especially with my old non-VR primes. My 300mm f/4 AF-S has a new lease on life. The smaller, lighter format is better for hiking and backpacking. The 24-70 f/4 lens is very good and quite compact. I can´t wait to get my hands on the 14-30 f/4.

  • 4

    Best part of owning Z7, I can hand hold in the lowest of light conditions.

    Posted by Nikonandme on June 5, 2019

    I have the Nikon D850 and recently purchased the Z7. I love the Z7 because I can hand hold in the lowest of light conditions. I also enjoy that it is slightly lighter than the D850. I mainly use it for interior and landscape photography. There are a few drawbacks, that is why I did not give an excellent review. The Z7 only has one QXD slot, not like the D850 that has two. Also having to figure out things like if you shoot through the viewfinder, it reviews the image in the viewfinder. I still love the camera and the images it takes.

  • 5

    Great for Travel

    Posted by SamIn on May 16, 2019

    Just returned from 3 weeks in Italy using the Z 7 along with the new 24-70mm S lens. Great experience with both--what an awesome combination for travel photography. Relatively light weight with great balance and ergo dynamics. Performed magnificently in low light situations and very impressed with image stabilization. Autofocus was right on and image quality the best I´ve experienced. Menu features and programing functions allow you to tailor your selections. I used Airplane Mode and no issues with battery life. Simply the best camera and lens combo I´ve ever tried.

  • 5

    I love this camera!

    Posted by radar on May 10, 2019

    This is a sweet camera and it maybe the very best I have owned.

    Let me begin with what I have owned which includes the Canon FT series including a bunch of lenses, a Nikon FM, FM2, FE, N2020, D100, D200, D600, D800, and D810. I currently own a F2AS, D3, D610, D7000, D850, Z6, and Z7. I have had a camera in my hands since I was 17 and I am now 67.

    I primary do macro and landscape photography with a concentration on photo stacking as well as HDR photography. Most recently I visited Yellowstone (again) with my D850 and shot a number of geysers and hot springs. If you have never been to Yellowstone then I suggest visiting Grand Prismatic Spring and Porcelain basin. My experiences with the D850 are that it is a beast of a camera that does everything perfectly!

    I wanted to try mirror less so I rented a number of Sony´s and borrowed a friend´s Fuji XT2. Nice, but unexciting when compared to the D850!

    Well, I decided to purchase a Z7, the 24-70mm f/4, and FTZ with the expectations to force myself to start using mirror less - after all I had bunch of Nikon glass and with the FTZ adapter I was set. I am set in my ways as a DSLR photographer. The Z7 would be something I would play with and I never expected it to be on par with my D850.

    Wow, the Z7 is a sweet camera! I love this camera!

    The feel, the handling and the menus system are excellent and if you are a Nikon user the transition is easy. The viewfinder is first rate with no comparison to any other mirror less (except the Z6 which uses the same finder). I mostly manual focus and the focus peaking (like the D850) is outstanding. The image quality is easily on par with medium format. I love this camera!

    The single card slot “issue” that others have whined about is fluff - I have used Compact Flash and SD cards and have had only one SD card fail me with over 750k shots. I recovered all the images from the card using software provided by the card manufacture.

    Did I mention that the XQD cards are fast, really fast.

    My wife has been shooting with a D7000 and D610. I have been so impressed with the Z7 that I purchased a Z6 for her. She loves the Z6 for all the same reasons that I love the Z7.

    Nikon congratulations on a great camera.

  • 5

    Lighter and more quiet

    Posted by JennieS on May 9, 2019

    I love this camera! It is so much lighter and smaller than my D810 and D700 and still has all the bells and whistles! The older I get the more I appreciate a lighter camera bag without sacrificing the quality I am used to. The main reason I upgraded however, was because it is quiet and I can use all my existing Nikon lenses with it. I shoot a lot of live acoustic music and being unobtrusive in a concert situation makes all the difference in the world!

  • 4

    Many things to like, some to improve

    Posted by latinfoto on April 30, 2019

    I love my Z7 and the new Z mount lenses. However there are a few things that should have been included in a product that is expected to be a bridge for a change in the system:
    There is no peaking stack image available with current AF-S Micro lenses... and no Micro lens in the first years of the roadmap.
    The VR becomes ´´lost´´ with the AF-S 80-400 and I need to turn it off and back on to get it working properly. Again, this is a very important lens and there is no replacement in the roadmap yet.
    There is no depth of field preview available in magnified display or in magnified split view. Important for using tilt-shift lenses.
    There should be a way to setup the camera by recalling custom user settings. This way one could use them as a base and customize them without everything getting reset when turning the camera off.
    Why is there no way to start autofocus by pressing the joystick? This will make tracking much easier.

  • 5

    Z7 AWESOME - expecially for visually impared

    Posted by Blinky on April 16, 2019

    For my money, everything about the Z7 is great. Okay, it took a bit of time to wrestle with the AF parameters, but it is well worth the effort. The top information panel is the best ever, and the EVF is truly awesome. I already had a D850 (a great camera) but it looked like the Z7 had better operating features for someone with my vision problem. It has performed better than I expected. The FTZ mount adapter is a bit of extra effort, but it works great and allows me to use my AF-S lenses. It extends lower than the bottom of the camera, but it has its own tripod socket so it poses no problem.

  • 4

    Not totally satisfied with Z-7

    Posted by ElRod on April 16, 2019

    A little disappointed for some of the features that it lacks. Like only one media card and does not have
    the option for a second battery (it drains the batteries a bit quicker than many Nikon digital cameras) and it does not feel like a professional camera, more like a high end Coolpix camera. Also not compatible with some of my lenses (like the Nikon 80-400 mm D series zoom lens)