MH-18a Quick Charger
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×MH-18a Quick Charger
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Posted by Naomi Solbak on June 24, 2021
It’s not working properly. After years of it charging fine it’s now charging properly for a few minutes and then shorting/or turning completely off while still plugged in! I need some help Nikon!!
Great product but I have a queston
Posted by Greying_Geezer on May 5, 2013
I have had one since 2006 and it works wonderfully, but I´m about to take off for Ireland and want to know whether it works on 240V 50 Hz current. The label on the back is confusing, with one set of data (120V 60Hz) and then a second set of data in a box marked ´´Foreign´´ (100240V 5060 Hz). ´´Foreign´´ relative to where? and is it or is it not designed to operate over the wider range of voltages and frequencies?
It works fine with a D80
Posted by majorkev on October 22, 2011
Why would Nikon sell/advertise this charger for the D80 if it did not work with it?
This is a good charger, however if you leave your battery out too long and it becomes undercharged, this charger will blink 5 times (I think 4 but whatever) and not charge the battery.
Luckily for me I have a special universal charger, and gave it a quick initial charge, and now the MH-18a is good to go.
Take care of your batteries, and your batteries will take care of you. -
In response to the person from Columbia, SC
Posted by CameraTech on April 3, 2011
To the person in Columbia, SC that gave the negative review. The MH-18a charger is the correct charger for your EN-EL3e battery.
It sounds like your issue is the battery pack itself not the charger.
I am a camera tech for a large photography company (200 plus traveling studios), we use this charger and battery combo in every studio. I have had a few of these batteries that have failed recently and they are doing this exact same thing. Charger blinks for a short time then goes back to a solid light.
Of the three contact points on the battery pack, only two are actually ´´charge points´´. If you look at the battery you will see the contacts are labeled as - and ´´S´´. The S contact is the center contact, it is NOT used for charging the battery. -
Does not work with D80!
Posted by Disappointed on March 17, 2011
I was really anxious to receive my charger from Amazon to begin using my D80 again after not being able to find the original battery charger for months. After inserting the battery in the new charger, the charger blinked about 5 times then Immediately displayed a solid amber light. This happened every time I inserted the battery.I left the battery in the charger over night. STILL NOT CHARGED! I then noticed that the D80 battery has three chargeable points of contact but the charger itself only has two!!! Returning it today!!!!