AF-S NIKKOR 70-200mm f/2.8E FL ED VR
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×AF-S NIKKOR 70-200mm f/4G ED VR
Product 2202
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×AF-S NIKKOR 70-200mm f/4G ED VR
AF-S NIKKOR 70-200mm f/2.8E FL ED VR
AF-S NIKKOR 16-35mm f/4G ED VR
AF-S NIKKOR 24-120mm f/4G ED VR
Posted by Anonymous on April 1, 2020
I have owned this medium range Telephoto lens since I was using DX cameras like the D3200 and D3300.. It´s a lot lighter than the classic 70-200 F/2.8 lenses, and if you take a look at its MTF curves, you will see that at its constant F/4 full aperture, it has a very well behaved MTF out to 15mm radial field. It is a full frame lens, but 15mm is the corner radius for a DX format, so it is an excellent DX lens equivalent to a 300mm full frame. This is also one of the G lenses that works well with the 1.4X type III tele-extender, which will give you the same excellent corner sharpness at the full FX format.
A side note here, I reviewed the 70-300 FX P Nikkor, and accidently said it also could use the Tele-extenders. That is incorrect, the 300 will not work. The 105mm F/2.8 G macro lens will also work with Tele-extenders.
So the 70-200 F/4 is a more expensive lens than the 70-300, but it is much more versatile, and sharp over the whole DX frame. I now use it with a D-850 body and via the FTZ adapter I could use it with my Z-7 body.
Posted by TheNotSoAngryPhotographer on April 8, 2017
I have shot with this lens for 2 years now on my D810. I have absolutely no regrets about choosing the 70-200 F/4 over ther F/2.8 version. First off I saved a thousand dollars. Secondly, I can carry this thing on my neck all day with ease and comfort. The image quality is excellent and the reliable VR is there to help out when the light grows dim. I´ve even pushed this thing to it´s limits with a TC20E-III attached and successfully captured birds in flight - a real stretch with a D810 and effective aperture of F/8! I´ll let the results speak for themselves.
Posted by DennisB on October 5, 2016
For several years, I´d been looking at the Nikkor 80-200 f2.8 AF lens for my needs in a short/medium telephoto. I owned a Tokina 80-200 f2.8, and had been very pleased with its performance on my F5 and D200 cameras. I replaced the D200 with a D500 and D750, and really wanted a Nikkor lens to use.
A local shop had a perfect condition used 70-200mm f4, and I traded the Tokina for it and cash on the spot. While in the shop, I compared like images on a D750 with both lenses. I hadn´t realized just how far superior the Nikkor was; no real comparison. I´ve never looked back. It has worked perfectly as a ´´go to´´ lens for nature, architecture, and landscape when the occasion rises.
I´m amazed at the light weight and how sharp the lens is. The auto focus is very quick, and the VR is a great aid for the hand held shots, especially at the 200mm end, and lower shutter speeds. I really haven´t missed the extra stop, since the ISO resolution on the D500 and D750 models is so good. Not having to haul an extra one pound plus in the bag or vest makes a huge difference in a long day!
Nikon has a real winner, and I´m glad I now own one.
Posted by Scripps23 on July 11, 2016
The Nikon 70-200mm f/4 lens is extremely resolute yet very light weight. With the advent of newer digital sensors that are so sensitive to light, one need not require a much larger f/2.8 lens for most indoor photography. Attached is a photo taken indoors with this f/4 lens in ambient light. The shutter speed is 1/200, the aperture is f/4, the ISO is 1250, the focal length is 190mm, white balance is auto, and metering is center-weighted. The sharpness of this lens is astounding. The size and weight of this lens makes for very easy traveling.
Posted by Nikon User on July 8, 2016
Recently got back into photography, have 20 yrs experience with Nikon SLR´s. Currently have a D800, D610, 16/2.8D Fisheye, 20/1.8G, 35/1.8G, 50/1.4D and 70-200/4G. One of the benefits of modern cameras is that ´´film´´ is cheap. I´ve done thorough sharpness and resolution tests on my lenses with the D800. The 16/2.8 is very good wide open, tack sharp at f4. The 20 and 35 are very good at f2, tack sharp at f2.8. The 50/1.4D is disappointing, fuzzy wide open, good at f2.8, tack sharp at f4. Which brings me to the 70-200/f4. It is tack sharp wide open, there´s maybe a little extra sharpness in the corners at f5.6, but very sharp at any aperture and any focal length (corners included). Well maybe not f32 as diffraction happens.As well you don´t get focal creep or whatever it´s called at 200mm and closest focus. Unlike the 2.8 lens which is somewhere around 135mm at minimum focus. The VR works amazingly well. I´ve gotten crisp shots at 200mm at 1/15 sec. Proper bracing and support is required, but the VR just helps so much. The weight and location of the zoom ring are just about perfect. Awesome lens. As one reviewer said ´´the only reason to stop down is for extra depth of field´´, I couldn´t agree more. My two cents worth.
Posted by Faisal on April 4, 2015
Just bring a new one for me. And serve me well as I have wanted. Good things peoples say about this lens is right. The first Photo I have shot for a test without any practice is look like this, just resize to upload without any post process.
Posted by Anonymous on March 18, 2015
I guess I will add my voice to the those who appreciate this excellent lens. You simply can´t go wrong by using this lens on virtually any Nikon body. I use it on my D600 and my D7100, which is the camera used for the included photos. Both images were slightly cropped and no other post-processing was employed. Everything just pops with this lens and the sharpness is unbeatable. It is lightweight compact and versatile.
Posted by Anonymous on February 8, 2015
I waited several months before reviewing this lens so that I could really test its uses and capabilities before commenting.The result: it´s outstanding. This lens is very sharp, has great VR and is lightweight enough to carry around all day.
I have used it mainly to shoot nature and landscapes, but I also find it´s good for wildlife with my D7100 when I want to travel light, since it handles a 1.4x teleconverter quite well. When used on a tripod with the optional lens collar, it is really outstanding for long exposures needed to capture waterfalls or sunsets. It has great color and resolution. What a nice performing lens.
Posted by Anonymous on February 2, 2015
Perfect with D810. I found this range awkward on DX (D7100), but on FX it´s perfect for covering short to mid-tele (4X). It´s nicely ergonomic, balances well, sharp from f4 and not too heavy with excellent VR. It also focuses closely and quickly.
It takes TC´s well too.