DK-5 Eyepiece Cap
Product 2380
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×DK-5 Eyepiece Cap
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or use a thumb
Posted by bgLon on January 23, 2015
Using a cable release and a long exposure, I discovered lots of light getting to the sensor/ I was out and about and without access to the DK-5.... not v elegant but a thumb over the viewfinder worked pretty well.
Remote and Self Timer Mode...
Posted by Another Vain Photographer on October 12, 2012
I thought this would be a useless accessory until I read in the user manual: ´´[When taking photos without your eye to the viewfinder, remove the DK-20 rubber eyecup and insert this DK-5 eyepiece cap to prevent light entering via the viewfinder interfering with exposure.]´´--- If you switch to live view I think DK-5 has no function because the mirror in the camera flips and blocks out light from the eyepiece anyway.